Application form
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AI Institute administrative affairs procedures

一、 Paper submission process

1.1 Fill in the submission information registration form.

1.2 If you wish to apply for a patent, then you are encouraged to send the draft of the paper to Prof. Huxiong Li. In addition, everyone is encouraged to submit the information registration form to the Saeid or directly to Prof. Huxiong Li.

1.3 Discuss follow-up with the Executive Dean and Vice President.

二、 Paper publication fee application process

2.1 If you claim to receive incentives, you MUST submit the incentives claim form in advance. Fill in Manuscript information registration form. (Emphasis on journal rankings, impact factors, and first institution)

2.2 Electronic version of the paper.

2.3 Fill in the application form for reimbursement of paper publication fee.

2.4 Signature of the Executive Director of the Institute

2.5 Finally submit to the secretary of the institute office Jiahui Kong for reimbursement.

Note: Prepare the above 3 items and submit them to Jiahui Kong for review first.

三、 Application to attend the conference approval form

3.1 To attend the meeting, please fill in the approval form first.

3.2 Signature of the head of the Conference funding source Group.

3.3 Submit the signed form to Jiahui Kong

四、 Inviting Academic Lecture-Funding Application Form

Inviting experts to give academic lectures in the Institute requires financial support from the Institute.

4.1 Fill in the application form

4.2 Signature of the Executive Dean of the Institute

4.3 Submit the signed form to Jiahui Kong

五、 Short-term Visiting Researcher Funding Application Form

5.1 Fill in Short-term Visiting Researcher Funding Application Form.

5.2 Signature of the Executive Dean of the Institute.

5.3 Submit the signed form to Jiahui Kong.

六、 Visa for visiting researchers-Application Form

When a professor wants to apply for a visa for an invited visiting researcher, the procedure is as follows:

6.1 Fill in the application form.

6.2 Signature of the Executive Dean of the Institute

6.3 Submit the signed form to Jiahui Kong

6.4 Finally, the visiting researcher needs to talk to Melanie from the Foreign Affairs Office about visa application.

七、 Leaving Institute for local and international trip during vacation-Application Form

When the professor needs to leave the institute during a vacation

7.1 Fill in the Application form.

7.2 Signature of the Executive Dean of the Institute.

7.3 Submit the signed form to Jiahui Kong.

八、 Leaving Institute for personal affairs during the weekdays-Application Form

When the professor needs to leave the institute during the working day for personal affairs

8.1 Fill in the Application form.

8.2 Signature of the Executive Dean of the Institute.

8.3 Submit the signed form to Jiahui Kong.

九、 Official Travel Application Form

When professors need to travel during working days due to work affairs or you need institute funding to support official travel

9.1 Please fill in the official travel application form.

9.2 Signature of the Executive Dean of the Institute.

9.3 Submit the signed form to Jiahui Kong.

附件【1. 投稿信息登记表(Submission information registration form).xlsx
附件【2-1. 稿件信息登记表(Manuscript information registration form).docx
附件【2-2. 论文版面费报销申请表(Application for paper layout fee reimbursement).docx
附件【3. 教师申请参加会议审批表(Application to attend the conference approval form).docx
附件【4. 学术讲座经费申请表(Academic Lecture Funding Application Form).docx
附件【5. 短期访问研究员资助申请单(Short-term Visiting Researcher Funding Application Form).docx
附件【6. 访问研究员签证办理申请单(Visa for visiting researchers-Application Form).docx
附件【7. 假期外出报备申请书(Leaving Institute for local and international trip during vacation-Application Form).docx
附件【8. 工作日期间请假申请书(Leaving Institute for personal affairs during the weekdays-Application Form).docx
附件【9. 公务出行申请表(Official Travel Application Form).docx