cast screen
1. 开机,屏幕右侧下方电源键
Power on: Push the power button at the bottom right side of the screen.
2. 开机后自动跳转到投屏界面,单击 Help。在准备投屏的设备上下载 MAXHUB share,连接屏幕的无线,最后输入投屏密码
After booting, it will automatically jump to the screen projection interface, click Help. Download MAXHUB share on the device to be screen-casted, connect the screen's wireless connection, and finally enter the screen-casting password.
1. 退回到win系统桌面
Return to the windows system desktop.
2. 选择会议软件,双击图标
Select the conference software and double-click the icon.
3. 可移动麦克风。单击话筒图标,图标红色时静音状态(麦克风不工作,两个麦克风同步)。
Removable microphone. Click the microphone icon. When the icon is red, it is muted (the microphone is not working and the two microphones are synchronized).